After another long iatus I found enough time to put my hands into wordpress once again.
Not happy about it because the time comes from missing summer holidays due to a back surgery hubby had at the end of July.
We’re stuck at home, he could go out but outside it’s basically an Italian Death Valley so no point in having a walk roasting under the sun with 43°C.
This recipe is in my draft since last year so I’m graciously posting it right now because it’s fig time so my timing it’s ironically perfect!
With the amount written below you will end up with 6/7 small jars.
Best combo with caramelized figs?
Fresh cheeses like squacquerone or ricotta.
Caramelized figs, an Italian traditional fruit preserve.
Servings: 8
- 2 kg fresh figs, green or black, whole, not too ripe
- 600 g caster sugar
- 2 lemons, zest and juice
- Wash figs, put them in a casserole standing with points up, cover with sugar and lemon juice plus the grated zest, let rest overnight in the fridge.
- Bring the casserole on low heat, let the fig boil without touching them until the juice become thick and caramelized.
- Can the figs plus the juice when they're still very very hot, close the jars with their lids and put them upside down to cool.
- Once completely cool turn the jars up and see if they are vacuum sealed, if not you can put jars in a pan with cold water and bring them to a boil until the vacuum is made.
- They can be stored for a whole year if sealed correctly.

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