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La Mora Romagnola

Caramelized figs, an Italian traditional fruit preserve.

Fichi verdi

After another long iatus I found enough time to put my hands into wordpress once again.

Not happy about it because the time comes from missing summer holidays due to a back surgery hubby had at the end of July.

We’re stuck at home, he could go out but outside it’s basically an Italian Death Valley so no point in having a walk roasting under the sun with 43°C.

This recipe is in my draft since last year so I’m graciously posting it right now because it’s fig time so my timing it’s ironically perfect!

White chocolate, gluten free cheesecake with crunchy caramel topping.

La miglior cheese-cake cremosa senza glutine al cioccolato bianco.

Happy 2023!!

I come from a long week of Netflix, food, couch, relatives and relax so I can call myself a blessed lady!

Today I woke up earlier than usual ( for a non working day) and I had my cup of coffee, enjoyed the silence and put away Christmas tree and decoration while listening to my fave true crime podcast.

Everyone else is still in bed so I decided to share with you this wonderful recipe of a white chocolate and gluten free cheesecake with a crunchy caramel topping I made for the New Year’s Eve dinner.

It’s really great, it comes from a book I have in Italian and from which I’ve taken other, very successful, recipes of cheesecakes like the walnut and maple syrup cheesecake.

Dried fruit Christmas jam, the best Christmas present.

Confettura natalizia di frutta secca, per un regalo beneaugurale.

I am back with a recipe I’ve found on an Italian Facebook group about local recipes.

I hardly can say this is a local thing but it’s a delicious idea indeed: it’s a dried fruit jam packed with Christmas flavours like cloves, cinnamon, star anise and, according to me, it’s a wonderful Christmas present you can gift.

It’s perfect with cheeses, you should try it with melted Camembert or, if you prefer, you can use it in Christmas sweets or plain, on a slice of buttered bread with a cup of tea.

Saffron risotto ( risotto alla milanese): the recipe and all the tricks to make it outstanding.

Risotto allo zafferano: ricetta e trucchi per farlo perfetto.

It’s been a long time since I decided to make a post about risotto and all the tricks I’ve learned to make it perfectly ( risotto alla milanese in this case but the tricks will work for every kind of risotto).

Then life happened, never took a pic of my risotto because it must be eaten quickly, at its best…

But I did it few days ago, took a quick pic with my cellphone and decided it was time to write it, no matter if I had a glamourus picture or not, I bet you don’t care about that if I let you serve the best risotto you’ve ever eaten at home, with no fuss and great results.

As usual, even if Mr. Google deeply dislikes it, I don’t want to write chapters over chapters of personal stories or random rants which include specific keywords and phrases, so long I have to put a button ” jump to the recipe”.

This is pretty bad for my position into Google ranking but you can give some help sharing this post if you try the recipe and find it good! 🙂

DISCLAIMER: I’ve called this risotto alla milanese because that’s how many identify saffron risotto but the original risotto alla milanese has also marrow bone inside.

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