Still alive and kicking, even if you won’t say that after all this time.
Now I am in the new home, the new home is beautiful and lovely and I have so much to do I cannot rest in it enjoying it. 🙁
No complaints, that’s life and I am fully living it but I’m looking forward to a little time for myself only.
I had to know my new appliances, working with a new oven is an adventure.
I baked and cooked almost only tested things to I had the chance to compare and adjust.
Then I felt adventurous enough to try something new ( but easy) and I remembered these cookies, the shape of a coffee beans.
Lovely to see and easy to bake, also easy to take pictures of so…
Here we are.
Because yes, taking pictures with a camera in a completely different place, with different lights and shadows is as difficult as starting walking for the first time.
I did many mistakes and the photos aren’t very nice but it’s ok, I am learning from scratch again.
Here you are this simple recipe, hope to have more to share with you in the future. <3
Servings |
- 230 gr all purpose flour
- 130 gr soften butter
- 120 gr icing sugar
- 40 gr dutch coca
- 1 strong espresso cup
- Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add flour and coco, sifted, then coffee. Mix until you have a smooth dough. Cover with cling film and let it rest in fridge for at least a couple of hours.
- Out of the fridge dough culd be pretty hard, knead a little to soften and for balls, the size of a big walnut. Put them on a baking tray and press gently to give them an oval shape. Do a small superficial cut on the cookies to give the impression of a coffee bean.
- Put the baking tray into the fridge for about ten minutes before putting it in the oven. Bake at 350°F for 6-10 minutes. Please consider they will be very soft when hot, so soft you could think they are still raw but they will be ok when cold; do not tuch them before completely cold.

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