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September 2020

” Texas red”, meat chili.

Chili con carne, ricetta del " Texas red".

Today is a most important day: today, after more than 6 months, children in Italy are back to schools.

This is a special moment, full of emotions, from joy to fear.

I must say Lorenzo’s school did all the possible things to make up a perfect year for teachers and students, we are really lucky because I know it’s not the same everywhere.

While my son is at a friend’s home and later they will go together to rugby practice I can find a moment to write a new post.

Erbazzone dolce – sweet spinach cake.

Erbazzone dolce

Are you ready for another baking season?

Have you already turned the oven on?

Ok maybe it’s a little hearlier, here at least, where the temperatures are high again after a couple of rainy days.

But I want to be optimistic this year ( yes, my year starts in September, no matter what the calendar says!) : I want to be optimist about the school’s reopening, about the diet, about all this pandemic thing.

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