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Savoury pumpkin pie.

Savoury pumpkin pie.

After a wonderful but rainy week end in Ljubljana I’m back, not rested but happy! 🙂

Douring the next weeks I’ll have no time to cook and take pictures but I have photos of this and three more recipes so I only have to write.

While I was away I became, for the first time, an aunt: I’m so happy and I want to congratulate Francesca and Pietro and the small and beautiful Samuele.

Omelette rolls with goat’s cheese.

Omelette rolls with goat's cheese.

September is in full bloom, this week schools are going to open after the usual long summer break ( about 3 months of holiday, it could sound strange abroad) and my son Lorenzo in three days is going to be a primary school boy.

Even if we cared a lot about introducing this new step with joy, trying to instill in him curiosity, he only got he’s going to hell or somewhere similar, he’s not going to have any friend and he will fail the year for sure.

It’s great having such a bright and positive son.

He’s harassing himself and us, these three days will be very long, I hope he will discover school is not this bad.

Salty tarte tatin with red onions.

Salty tarte tatin with red onions.


As you may know if you follow me steadily I love mixing different cooking cultures, using different spices not common in Italian cooking.

This way to interpret food comes from my university years in Rimini: I used to live with a lot of people from different places from guys from South of Italy to frieds from England, Greece and even a boy half Venezuelan half from Sicily.

Meal time was a funny mix of dolmades, tagliatelle and Marmite.

Soft cheese, lemon and basil salty tart.

Soft cheese, lemon and basil salty tart.

Summer is hitting hard now.

Not that it’s strange, we’re in July but working, working out and doing anything requests three times the efforts, I’m exhausted and I’m doing the countdown to summer holidays.

They’re only 1 month far, Thailand is waiting, we’re missing since 2012 and we’re looking forward to see that beautiful country again; this year we have a family friend with us, I think I’ll ask him to baby sit Lorenzo as I aim for visiting a couple of remarkable restaurants in Bangkok, Gaggan and Nahm, I hope to find a spot for two last minute. 😀

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